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Home > FAQs

Do I need a referral from a doctor to come to physiotherapy?

No referral is needed. We can create an ACC claim directly if appropriate.

What should I wear to physiotherapy?

Comfortable clothing, bring shorts or a singlet if needed.

How do I make an appointment?

You can book online or call directly on 022 129 6641.

How long is each appointment?

Each initial and follow up physiotherapy appointment is booked for 45 minutes to ensure the time for a high quality and thorough assessment and treatment.

What can I expect at my initial physiotherapy appointment?

At the initial appointment the physiotherapist will take a detailed history of your injury, followed by a physical examination in order to make a clinical diagnosis. Treatment options will be discussed and may include hands on manual therapy and/or exercise based rehabilitation.

Can the gym be used as part of the physiotherapy session?

Yes. NRG Dunedin South is available for use during physiotherapy sessions at no additional cost.